Issues Survivors Face.
Disclosure to us as Pastors
Making a statement to the Police
breaking through the shame barrier.
(when the pain exceeds the shame)
narrative therapy
trauma release
when we are not understood
- overcomming denial
- overcomming shame
- renouncing abuse
- inner cleansing
- holding onto hope
- opening doors
- sexual issues
- taking down walls
- knowing our parts
- building right walls
- boundaries
- overcomming fear
- trauma release
the memories are traumatised / carry trauma
right brain re-experiencing (triggered memories)
Links need to be written up
our Pastoral responses:
- listen
- let survivors mention issues as they arise
- go to seminars for professionals to be more informed
I am reading "Pain and Pretending" by Rich Buhler
it makes a good intro book.
Sexual Assault Counselling is an emerging field as yet underdeveloped and under resourced
Sexual assault Pastoral Care , speaking as a Christian survivor and Pastor Survivor has much to offer believers.
Please see these issues
as randomly listed
as they can surface randomly
it is not intended
to be a sequencial list
but a list to use
as a referance or guide
as they arise