Examples of sexual abuse in institutions
the longstanding member
the sacked youth leader moved on
the youth leader abused by the youth leader
the youth leader was convicted of sexual abuse
he alleged he had been sexually abused by the previous youth leader
The Boy's Brigade leader
the warning signs were there
before the Child Protection Seminars
the days before we had Protocols
the housekeeper
Why did the boy being minded by the housekeeper
ask for a hammer and smash a hole in every door and many walls?
The response of the boy's Father was to sack the housekeeper.
"we need youth" was a strange sign to advertise the church
youth group. the housekeeper was the leader.
other alarm bells rang over time.
When Church discipline works
the alleged offender was told
- not to attend the youth group
- to arrive at church just before the service
- to sit on his own
- to leave immediately after the church service
- without talking to anyone.
we thought our churches were safe.
Jesus warned His disciples:
- of the wolf in sheep's clothing ( Matthew 7 verse 15)
- of the enemy sowing weeds amongst the seed ( Matthew 13 verse 25
We thought Churches were safe
in Roman Catholic and High Anglican Churches the priests abused their power and position.
in Protestant Churches without Bishops Elders, Deacons, Youth Leaders, longstanding members
abused the power they accumulated
violated the trust given to them
all of the above examples are examples known to me personally without doing any research or survey.
We ought to "watch and pray"
LUKE 21:36
We need to take Child Protection / Safe Churches Seminars seriously
Does it seem all too hard?
Take a look at what happened when the systems failed.
I have written this brief desiring that Pastors will not have to go through what I went through.
because what happened, happened and history cannot be changed.
however "The Lord loves justice" Psalm 37 verse 28 NRSV
He does not abandon the wounded one. Luke 15 verses 1 to 7 In this Parable the Shepherd searches for his one lost sheep
and rescues the sheep from the bushes the sheep was trapped in. no lectures no demands just love and being rescued